Let us verify and quality check your documents to achieve efficiency and automation. Quality is always an issue when trying to automate different document-processes. Even though technology has come a long way – sometimes the lack of quality along with the complexity of the process itself enforces a manual stage where check and control are necessary. Navitro offer a verification service at low prices so that you can experience an efficient document process without the need of manual interference. Let us be honest about it. If your staff and co-workers are specialized in areas like Accounting, Customs or Finance – they probably do not find it motivating to do manual data-punching or verification of document data. Let us do it for you, and try us out.


Scanned or electronic – we can digitalize everything and convert data from, and to any of our supported formats.

Navitro Software

Acquire our software application to do local (in house) scanning, OCR (Data extraction) and advanced document processing. Integrates with every scanner and can be setup to deliver to your system of choice.

Expertise: We can provide Project management, custom development and consulting.